Fight Night Champ

I finally became fight night champ!!! After beating my arch enemy I forget his name, but he really pi**ed me off, as he slapped me about in the press conference. I love this game, actually it’s up there with Pro-Evo, but with the Fight Night 4 rumoured to be coming out in the near future, I can’t help but wonder about the improvement that could be made.

The first improvement was to bring back the ranking system, instead of a popularity based system. This sucks, and I don’t understand why on earth they thought it would improve the Fight Night 2 game. More real fighters, whether they are current fighters or legends like Joe Louise, Rocky Marciano, Floyd Patterson, Tyson.. I know he may possibly have a few screws loose, and may well be a sexually predator, however he was a great boxer.

The 1 thing that annoys me about FNR3, is that it attempts and succeeds at creating realistic game play, the analogue controls simulate as close as possible the fighting experience, however they contradict themselves by creating an unrealistic gaming environment. By that I mean, hardly any pro fighters, I even forgot my arch arch rival's name... no if Tyson had beef with me.. I definately woudn't forget his name. Also no real belts, WBO,WBA, Commonwealth etc… lest we forget EA’s slogan, “If it’s in the Game… it’s in the game.”

Keyboard Vrs Controller

Sony have announced keyboard and mouse connectivity straight out of the box. Bold move, for a console. Some anti Sony, would slag them off saying this is an arogant move to try and redevelop perfection.. that is the video games console.

Consoles have always had controllers so why change the winning formular. This maybe Sony's attempt to chip away at Microsofts massive PC gaming market, and why not, competition is healthy. There must be millions of PC gamers who do very little with there pc besides play video games, well maybe watch a movie, use it as a file server, etc.

Well you can do this with a console so why not? Well gamers are already complaing that there is an unfair advantage to first person shooters when using a mouse over a analogue stik, commonly found on Xbox and Sony controllers. I feel with practice these advantages can be minimised or removed completely.

So finally some good news fro the sony camp, or a blind and arrogant attack on console gaming.

Sony Achievements

So turn on my console, all excited about getting stuck into the new game I bought. Been excited all day about this one….. sweet.. Then all of a sudden, I get a phone call from my friend telling me to come round to have a look at his trophy case… a group of trophies he’s won for playing video games and finishing certain tasks…. Well I cant be arsed…. But maybe I should… you see if I don’t see his… he may not come round to see my collection..

Well I cant be arsed…. But maybe I should… you see if I don’t see his… he may not come round to see my collection.. What the hell am I talking about… Well this is in response to Sony’s latest genius initiative.. and there so called trump over the xbox live achievement structure. Instead of a simple gamercard, that you can take or leave… Takes 2 seconds to see what your mates have achieved and the games there playing…… they have opted for a virtual world, second life esc, where you have an apartment instead of a gamercard.

Friends come round to your apartment to look at a group of trophies to see what you have achieved. I will be honest with you, and don’t take this personally lads, I don’t give a shit about what you have achieved…. Well definitely not enough to come round to your pad to look at… If want to massage your ego I will find a strictly homo erotic method..

This environment will almost certainly turn into a sex chat room, just like second life has, but on the downside, I can’t be arsed walking round, interacting with some gamers I don’t know in the street….. chatting to them… I just want my hit!!! A strong hit of good gaming.

Sorry Sony, 10/10 for initiative, 3/10 for practicality. Maybe it will be ok, but I guess the type of gamers who will love this will be the type of gamers I’d probably try to avoid…. So don’t take it the wrong way if I don’t answer my door!

Just waiting

Just waiting for my girlfriend to finish work.

So had quite a busy one on the weekend. Drowning my sorrows in manchester after the Liverpool game.

Started very early. I used to go to uni in manchester so was weired seeing all the old places with new young, scarely young faces.

I always remember being in the 1st year out at the union looking at the 3rd years, thinkin there just too old for the place... Crazy really.

We didn't quite go the union but still round the student areas... And i felt quite old really... Its a joke really im only 25!! .

Oh well still waiting.. Will give her a call now.

See ya.

Who said toilet humor was "Tapoo" ;)

You may have received this by email recently. I got it a week or so ago, however this still has relevance, even today, in the supersonic paced digital world we live in, a week old document can easily be misunderstood, unrelevant, or more likely mocked by the forums boys as NEWB material.

Oh well, being the brave, recently self proclaimed digi journo, I feel I can take these kinds of risks... expecially seen as know one ever reads my words any how, apart from the Joss Stone fans, who helped me get my all time record number of hits in a day.... over 300.... yes I know.... not in the thousands yet.


Anyone experienced any of these?!
Rules of pooing at work
As much as we try to convince ourselves otherwise, the WORK POO isinevitable. For those who hate pooing at work, following is theSurvival Guide for taking a dump at work.

CROP DUSTING -- When farting, you walk briskly around the office so thesmell is not in your area and everyone else gets a whiff but doesn'tknow where it came from. Be careful when you do this. Do not stop untilthe full fart has been expelled. Walk an extra 30 feet to make sure thesmell has left your pants.

FLY BY -- The act of scouting out a bathroom before pooing. Walk in andcheck for other pooers. If there are others in the bathroom, leave andcome back again. Be careful not to become a
FREQUENT FLYER. People maybecome suspicious if they catch you constantly going into the bathroom.

ESCAPEE -- A fart that slips out while taking a leak at the urinal orforcing a poo in a cubicle. This is usually accompanied by a suddenwave of embarrassment. If you release an escapee, do not acknowledgeit.Pretend it did not happen. If you are standing next to the farter inthe urinal, pretend you did not hear it. No one likes an escapee. It isuncomfortable for all involved. Making a joke or laughing makes bothparties feel uneasy.

JAILBREAK -- When forcing a poo, several farts slip out at a machinegun pace. This is usually a side effect of diarrhoea or a hangover. Ifthis should happen, do not panic. Remain in the cubicle until everyonehas left the bathroom to spare everyone the awkwardness of what justoccurred.

COURTESY FLUSH -- The act of flushing the toilet the instant the poohits the water. This reduces the amount of airtime the poo has to stinkup the bathroom. This can help you avoid being caught doing the WALK OFSHAME.WALK OF SHAME -- Walking from the cubicle, to the sink, to the doorafter you have just stunk up the bathroom. This can be a very uncomfortable moment if someone walks in and busts you.

As with farts,it is best to pretend that the smell does not exist. Can be avoidedwith the use of the COURTESY FLUSH.OUT OF THE CLOSET POOER -- A colleague who poos at work and is proud ofit. You will often see an Out Of The Closet Pooer enter the bathroomwith a newspaper or magazine under his or her arm. Always look aroundthe office for the Out Of The Closet Pooer before entering the THE POOING FRIENDS NETWORK (P.F.N) --

PFN - A group of co-workers who band>together to ensure emergency pooing goes off without incident. This>group can help you to monitor the whereabouts of Out Of The Closet>Pooers, and identify SAFE HAVENS.

SAFE HAVENS -- A seldom-used bathroom somewhere in the building where>you can least expect visitors. Try floors that are predominantly of the opposite gender . This will reduce the odds of a pooer of your gender>entering the bathroom.

TURD BURGLAR -- Someone who does not realise that you are in the>cubicle and tries to force the door open. This is one of the most>shocking and vulnerable moments that can occur when taking a poo at work. If this occurs, remain in the cubicle until the Turd Burglar leaves. This way you will avoid all uncomfortable eye contact.

CAMO-COUGH -- A phoney cough that alerts all new entrants into the>bathroom that you are in a cubicle. This can be used to cover-up a>WATERMELON, or to alert potential Turd Burglars. Very effective when>used in conjunction with an ASTAIRE.

ASTAIRE -- A subtle toe-tap that is used to alert potential Turd Burglars that you are occupying a cubicle. This will remove all doubt that the cubicle is occupied. If you hear an Astaire, leave the>bathroom immediately so the pooer can poo in peace.

WATERMELON -- A poo that creates a loud splash when hitting the toilet>water. This is also an embarrassing incident. If you feel a Watermelon>coming on, create a diversion. See CAMO-COUGH.

HAVANAOMELET -- A case of diarrhoea that creates a series of loud>splashes in the toilet water. Often accompanied by an Escapee. Try using a Camo-Cough with an Astaire.

UNCLE TED -- A bathroom user who seems to linger around forever. THE POOING FRIENDS NETWORK (P.F.N) -- A group of co-workers who bandtogether to ensure emergency pooing goes off without incident. This group can help you to monitor the whereabouts of Out Of The ClosetPooers, and identify SAFE HAVENS.SAFE HAVENS -- A seldom-used bathroom somewhere in the building whereyou can least expect visitors. Try floors that are predominantly of theopposite gender . This will reduce the odds of a pooer of your genderentering the bathroom.

TURD BURGLAR -- Someone who does not realise that you are in thecubicle and tries to force the door open. This is one of the mostshocking and vulnerable moments that can occur when taking a poo atwork. If this occurs, remain in the cubicle until the Turd Burglarleaves. This way you will avoid all uncomfortable eye contact.

CAMO-COUGH -- A phoney cough that alerts all new entrants into thebathroom that you are in a cubicle. This can be used to cover-up aWATERMELON, or to alert potential Turd Burglars.

Very effective whenused in conjunction with an ASTAIRE.ASTAIRE -- A subtle toe-tap that is used to alert potential TurdBurglars that you are occupying a cubicle. This will remove all doubtthat the cubicle is occupied. If you hear an Astaire, leave thebathroom immediately so the pooer can poo in peace.WATERMELON -- A poo that creates a loud splash when hitting the toiletwater. This is also an embarrassing incident. If you feel a Watermeloncoming on, create a diversion. See CAMO-COUGH.HAVANAOMELET -- A case of diarrhoea that creates a series of loudsplashes in the toilet water. Often accompanied by an Escapee. Tryusing a Camo-Cough with an Astaire.

UNCLE TED -- A bathroom user who seems to linger around forever. Could pot. An Uncle Ted makes it difficult to relax while on the crapper, as>you should always wait to poo when the bathroom is empty. This benefits you as well as the other bathroom attendees

Favourite Games

So I was thinking about video games, and thought I would write a list of my favourite games I'v owned. This is of course a useless list, as If I was questioned about my favourite games next week, this could all be very different... I am spineless..... and fickle..

Favourite games on each console I have owned


Super Mario
The Legend of Zelda


Street Fighter 2
Mario Kart
Zelda Pilotwings
Internation Super Star Soccer
NHLPA Hockey 93
Super Tennis - Hiro was ace
Mega Man
Desert Strike


Super Mario 64
Mario Kart 64


Tony Hawk Pro Skater
Knock out kings


Fantasy Star Online

Playstation 2

Pro Evolution Soccer
Knock out kings
Grand Theft Auto 3
Metal Gear Solid
Tony Hawk 3
Final Fantasy 10


Pro Evo 5
Tony Hawk Underground
Halo 2
Project Gotham Racing 2


Wii Sports


Fight Night
Pro Evo 6

Love the Dogs!!

Whoops!!! I got this email about an hour after posting my rather cruel words about Champ… my stupid, special dog of Nintendogs…

After receiving this email I feel, maybe I was too rash… maybe I should do as the email says.. and “Love the Dogs”.. it is an instruction after all… it aint a question..

Therefore I must Love the Dogs…

This is an advert from the local Dog track, and merely a means to lure me back to the track, granted. And therefore not a reflection on my life and lifestyle choices I have made, ie getting rid of champ.

But I kinda feels all perculiar …no?..
I get rid of the darn little mutt…. Then I receive this email… that little tear away scally wag… that little cut little pain in the arse mutt… oohh no I think ive made a terrible mistake.

Oh well, I will go to the dog track and ponder a while.

Something just popped into my head

Well thats not entirely true..... I often see it.. I have visions... I see tentacles


You may remember i recently bought Fight Night 3 for the xbox 360 and nintendogs. True to form i loved Fight night. im hooked.possibly my favourite 360 game.

Also true to form i hated nintendogs... But hey no surprises there, traded it for Oblivion...another game i'm a little unsure I will like, but I hear good things about it... soI will see..

I actually enjoyed Nintendogs until 'Champ' my Labrador, decided to play dumb during a competition... I looked an idiot... the stupid mutt...

I think my Champ was "special"

No matter how hard I tried the little git wouldn't sit.... lie, rollover.... shake my hand!!!! Nothing.... I shouted at him, he looked sad... but you know what.... I don't think I cared..... my hatred for the game was channeled towards the dog...

When he was in the house... he would do these tricks.... and could catch a Frisbee in the park.. but when it really mattered... he bottled it... So I traded the game the next day... that will teach him... he's probably going to get bought buy a little bratty 9yr old girl, who won't feed it.. or water it...

Good luck Chump!!

Valentines Eve walk of shame

"Ha ha look at him... he's a tw*t!!" said the spotty Asbo chav!
"Loser!" cried the 15yr old Mum
"You shouldn't have," mocked the bricky!
"I say old boy, you look like a fool" expressed the banker in the pin stripe.
(Very diverse crowd we get in brum..)

Yeah thats right... I just did the Valentines Eve, walk of shame!!

Walking down Birminghams main shopping street, New Street, with flowers under one arm, and Thorntons Continental under the other....
If i didn't know by then, my friend Jon told me there's nothing more embarrassing... so I know I'm not alone.

Why do we do it!! At least they weren't roses..

So i quickly pick the flowers I want, then march back to work, in a sheepish way... In fact it was someone walking sheepishly but trying to seem confident....

I even glared at the spotty chav.. in a kind of.. yeah they're F IN flowers mate! and if you try and mock me or my flowers.. you may find them growing out of your ass!!!

Obviously I didn't... cos he mocked me and I took it... I took it like a man with a bunch of flowers and chocolates would take it!!!.. Like a bitch!!

I felt like a walking cliché.... Like I just won the game, how many clichés can one man do in 30 mins.... 3 obviously....
1. Flowers
2. Chocolates
3. Sheepish walk, pretending to be confident...

I strangely found out that if you press Alt + 1 3 0 it = é

So know i write cliché with the accent... not sure if its right... but I like it..

I should know as I take french classes....
Wow.. i didn't realise I was such a smooth mo fo... flowers, chocolates, french linguist...
Lock up your daughters.

PS regarding Nintendogs from yesterday.... I've been playing it quite a bit... I step out the office to take the dog for a walk, or to feed and water him...

He's called Champ... and you know what..... I think he may just be one....hmnnaaah.. I think he is..

Gears of Wars or Nintendogs??

So I bought Fight Night Round 3 for my 360 on sunday. A game I know I will love, as I've had them all since Knockout Kings, but thats not all I bought on sunday... Nintendogs for the DS!!!!

I always do things like this... I buy games I know I won't like, or I at least want games I won't like. I like sports games, shoot em ups, first person shooters... games you don't really get on the DS, however I'm desperate not to be that person, and therefore try to like RPG'sand RPS games and simulation style games.

I wanted Animal Crossing, I would never have liked that, and Pheonix Wright.
I also wanted Advanced Wars, Dual Strike.. which I bought... but soon regretted it...

I haven't always been such a stubborn 1 dimensional gamer.. I used to play the old Final Fantasy games, and loved Zelda.

I guess I am what I am.. a brute smelling gamer, un interested in the finer things games can offer...

I like immediate gaming satisfaction, satisfaction gained from winning a race at Project Gotham, scoring a sweet goal at Pro Evo, blowing up Locusts in Gears of War, and beating someone to a pulp in FightNight, even then Im slugging away hoping for the knock out by round 3.

So will I really like petting my dog.... in Nintendogs.... i very much doubt it, but I will try....

I will play it tonight and let you know if I can be turned into gamer i'd like to be.

Rhythm Sticks

I remember as a child, singing “Let me feel your rhythm stick”......"Feel it slow or feel it quick!" obviously confused over the lyrics. You would have thought the title itself would have been a big enough clue!

I was probably 6 or 7 at the time, and remember my eldest brothers face(aged around 12-13) look all funny…like he really wanted to tell me what sexual innuendo could come from what I had just said, and scar me as a child…So my brother and mum kinda look at each other… then my mum says… no its “Hit me with your…”, but I thought… why is she soooo concerned about me getting this lyric right…Normally she wouldn’t care less.

Maybe five years later it clicked…. And know whenever I hear that hit by Ian Dury and the Blockheads, it makes me want to heave…. As if I'm almost picturing me as a 6 year old singing it…

That song was in the charts in the first week on 1979… I was born in 81, I'm pretty sure I'm not making this memory up, god knows I try to forget it… but it just doesn’t seem to add up… unless it was re-released or something… We didn’t have MTV so doubt I watched it on that.


What can you say!!!..And this was before X to the Z and Westwood pimped it.......

Just imagine the possibilities..... :) haha

Me and Delourus!

So I dropped my car off at the garage……. that’s right, despite writing about games, and gadgets.. I’m not a spotty 14yr old… I can drive and everything!!!

As I was writing…….. because it was making a funny knock knock noise…(Note, very different to funny knock knock jokes, despite my car having a name, Delourus, she also has a personality, one being a non funny, sensitive type.

So this knocking noise was making me feel conscious of people looking at me when I drove past... .. bringing back memories of a kid… queue dreamy sound fx…

My dad went through a stage of crashing his car... really silly liitle ones…. Like not giving way, ignoring traffic lights and believing its first come first serve on roundabouts…. Kinda true but it was the rushing to get to the front of the queue which caused us problems…..

We always had courtesy cars from the garage... all naff which bumps and different colored doors, because people lack any courtesy to courtesy cars.. its a fact…

Well they all made dodgy noises.. and when we would crash.. that too made a dodgy noise.. so I feel I may be scarred by knocking noises whilst in cars.....

I picked Delourus up at lunch and those mechanics must have give her a good spannering as she now purrs as she should.... and I can ride her all day without my phobia re-emmerging.

This valentines day... say it with an iPod??

Erm.... I was thinking more along the lines of a box a chocolates... and some free BazzaK tokens ;)

Whats going on!!! Say it with an iPod....!!! Next Apple will be wanting us to show we love Jesus by buying a Mac Book!! Buy an iPod and go to heaven.....

Well I have one... so there you go.. me and the Mormons have first dibs on the front row, at the Heaven Cinema.. and all you Zune owners.... and non mormoms are damned to hell, or just to the sticky seats at the back!!!..

Yes the devil has a Zune.....its brown.... and a PC.. thats not white... or glossy black... its just.........prepare yourself..."Matte" black.. Err.. puke... No wonder god hates him... That fallen angel got off lightly!

...water proof phone..

You never know..... im 25 know and grown up during the technological boom..... BBC Acorn... missed out on the Amiga and Commodore/ Sinclair scene then into video games consoles... the internet..

Seems its never ending.. and I've always loved it.. but right now... as Im writing this blog I've hit a turning point in my life... It may just be overtaking me..... :(

Am i turning in to my dad!!! Well my hair line is creeping... no sprinting further back each day.... so maybe I am...

I always mocked my older brother and dippy older generations for not knowing how to use technology.. but know my mum can email.. I have nothing.. no ammunition...

NB.(To anyone reading this)....THIS IS A TURNING POINT...

First ever blog.....ever ever... ever eva evr

Well, its 2.51 pm, 29th of January 2007, and I've decided to write a blog... Missed the boat I hear you cry, well maybe....

Im not a complete newb, to the internet, been a designer for some years, and contributed to a video games podcasts, a twitter.... my own failing website.. that for some reason wont work with Firefox or Internet Explorer 7. However I have decided to do a podcast, to proove to myself that no one will read it.

I think I will cover snippets of info on the video games scene, gadgets... boys toys etc.. the usually crap the majority of laggards post on blogs...

Basically im just typing without thinking...maybe some subconcious genius may filter through........ but don't hold your breath.... unless your reading this while submerging yorself in your bath testing your water proof phone.....