Keyboard Vrs Controller

Sony have announced keyboard and mouse connectivity straight out of the box. Bold move, for a console. Some anti Sony, would slag them off saying this is an arogant move to try and redevelop perfection.. that is the video games console.

Consoles have always had controllers so why change the winning formular. This maybe Sony's attempt to chip away at Microsofts massive PC gaming market, and why not, competition is healthy. There must be millions of PC gamers who do very little with there pc besides play video games, well maybe watch a movie, use it as a file server, etc.

Well you can do this with a console so why not? Well gamers are already complaing that there is an unfair advantage to first person shooters when using a mouse over a analogue stik, commonly found on Xbox and Sony controllers. I feel with practice these advantages can be minimised or removed completely.

So finally some good news fro the sony camp, or a blind and arrogant attack on console gaming.


Interesting to know.

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