Gears of Wars or Nintendogs??

So I bought Fight Night Round 3 for my 360 on sunday. A game I know I will love, as I've had them all since Knockout Kings, but thats not all I bought on sunday... Nintendogs for the DS!!!!

I always do things like this... I buy games I know I won't like, or I at least want games I won't like. I like sports games, shoot em ups, first person shooters... games you don't really get on the DS, however I'm desperate not to be that person, and therefore try to like RPG'sand RPS games and simulation style games.

I wanted Animal Crossing, I would never have liked that, and Pheonix Wright.
I also wanted Advanced Wars, Dual Strike.. which I bought... but soon regretted it...

I haven't always been such a stubborn 1 dimensional gamer.. I used to play the old Final Fantasy games, and loved Zelda.

I guess I am what I am.. a brute smelling gamer, un interested in the finer things games can offer...

I like immediate gaming satisfaction, satisfaction gained from winning a race at Project Gotham, scoring a sweet goal at Pro Evo, blowing up Locusts in Gears of War, and beating someone to a pulp in FightNight, even then Im slugging away hoping for the knock out by round 3.

So will I really like petting my dog.... in Nintendogs.... i very much doubt it, but I will try....

I will play it tonight and let you know if I can be turned into gamer i'd like to be.


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