Me and Delourus!

So I dropped my car off at the garage……. that’s right, despite writing about games, and gadgets.. I’m not a spotty 14yr old… I can drive and everything!!!

As I was writing…….. because it was making a funny knock knock noise…(Note, very different to funny knock knock jokes, despite my car having a name, Delourus, she also has a personality, one being a non funny, sensitive type.

So this knocking noise was making me feel conscious of people looking at me when I drove past... .. bringing back memories of a kid… queue dreamy sound fx…

My dad went through a stage of crashing his car... really silly liitle ones…. Like not giving way, ignoring traffic lights and believing its first come first serve on roundabouts…. Kinda true but it was the rushing to get to the front of the queue which caused us problems…..

We always had courtesy cars from the garage... all naff which bumps and different colored doors, because people lack any courtesy to courtesy cars.. its a fact…

Well they all made dodgy noises.. and when we would crash.. that too made a dodgy noise.. so I feel I may be scarred by knocking noises whilst in cars.....

I picked Delourus up at lunch and those mechanics must have give her a good spannering as she now purrs as she should.... and I can ride her all day without my phobia re-emmerging.


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