Rhythm Sticks

I remember as a child, singing “Let me feel your rhythm stick”......"Feel it slow or feel it quick!" obviously confused over the lyrics. You would have thought the title itself would have been a big enough clue!

I was probably 6 or 7 at the time, and remember my eldest brothers face(aged around 12-13) look all funny…like he really wanted to tell me what sexual innuendo could come from what I had just said, and scar me as a child…So my brother and mum kinda look at each other… then my mum says… no its “Hit me with your…”, but I thought… why is she soooo concerned about me getting this lyric right…Normally she wouldn’t care less.

Maybe five years later it clicked…. And know whenever I hear that hit by Ian Dury and the Blockheads, it makes me want to heave…. As if I'm almost picturing me as a 6 year old singing it…

That song was in the charts in the first week on 1979… I was born in 81, I'm pretty sure I'm not making this memory up, god knows I try to forget it… but it just doesn’t seem to add up… unless it was re-released or something… We didn’t have MTV so doubt I watched it on that.


What can you say!!!..And this was before X to the Z and Westwood pimped it.......

Just imagine the possibilities..... :) haha

Me and Delourus!

So I dropped my car off at the garage……. that’s right, despite writing about games, and gadgets.. I’m not a spotty 14yr old… I can drive and everything!!!

As I was writing…….. because it was making a funny knock knock noise…(Note, very different to funny knock knock jokes, despite my car having a name, Delourus, she also has a personality, one being a non funny, sensitive type.

So this knocking noise was making me feel conscious of people looking at me when I drove past... .. bringing back memories of a kid… queue dreamy sound fx…

My dad went through a stage of crashing his car... really silly liitle ones…. Like not giving way, ignoring traffic lights and believing its first come first serve on roundabouts…. Kinda true but it was the rushing to get to the front of the queue which caused us problems…..

We always had courtesy cars from the garage... all naff which bumps and different colored doors, because people lack any courtesy to courtesy cars.. its a fact…

Well they all made dodgy noises.. and when we would crash.. that too made a dodgy noise.. so I feel I may be scarred by knocking noises whilst in cars.....

I picked Delourus up at lunch and those mechanics must have give her a good spannering as she now purrs as she should.... and I can ride her all day without my phobia re-emmerging.

This valentines day... say it with an iPod??

Erm.... I was thinking more along the lines of a box a chocolates... and some free BazzaK tokens ;)

Whats going on!!! Say it with an iPod....!!! Next Apple will be wanting us to show we love Jesus by buying a Mac Book!! Buy an iPod and go to heaven.....

Well I have one... so there you go.. me and the Mormons have first dibs on the front row, at the Heaven Cinema.. and all you Zune owners.... and non mormoms are damned to hell, or just to the sticky seats at the back!!!..

Yes the devil has a Zune.....its brown.... and a PC.. thats not white... or glossy black... its just.........prepare yourself..."Matte" black.. Err.. puke... No wonder god hates him... That fallen angel got off lightly!

...water proof phone..

You never know..... im 25 know and grown up during the technological boom..... BBC Acorn... missed out on the Amiga and Commodore/ Sinclair scene then into video games consoles... the internet..

Seems its never ending.. and I've always loved it.. but right now... as Im writing this blog I've hit a turning point in my life... It may just be overtaking me..... :(

Am i turning in to my dad!!! Well my hair line is creeping... no sprinting further back each day.... so maybe I am...

I always mocked my older brother and dippy older generations for not knowing how to use technology.. but know my mum can email.. I have nothing.. no ammunition...

NB.(To anyone reading this)....THIS IS A TURNING POINT...

First ever blog.....ever ever... ever eva evr

Well, its 2.51 pm, 29th of January 2007, and I've decided to write a blog... Missed the boat I hear you cry, well maybe....

Im not a complete newb, to the internet, been a designer for some years, and contributed to a video games podcasts, a twitter.... my own failing website.. that for some reason wont work with Firefox or Internet Explorer 7. However I have decided to do a podcast, to proove to myself that no one will read it.

I think I will cover snippets of info on the video games scene, gadgets... boys toys etc.. the usually crap the majority of laggards post on blogs...

Basically im just typing without thinking...maybe some subconcious genius may filter through........ but don't hold your breath.... unless your reading this while submerging yorself in your bath testing your water proof phone.....